Shop smart with BlurryRobot! Peacock Block is a 3 to 5 player "Take That!" styled card game where players take on the role as peacocks at a party, trying to score the love of the peahen. There are 3 ways to win: players will play flirt cards to try and reach 10 points on their Flirt Scale, which will add points to your love meter. If you score 10 points on your love meter, you win. Another way to win is to grow 10 feathers by molting, and the final way to win is to present "the ring" in it's entirety. Players will try hard to make all this happen but opponents will stop them by playing Block Cards, Pull Feathers, and many more interesting ways to block them from winning. We have played this game live at our BlurryRobot shop and we are happy to report that it is very fun. The three winning strategies are well balanced out against each other and the game is quite an enjoyable challenge. As amusing as the gimmick is, gameplay and strategy quickly takes over as players focus on winning the game. Try it!